xStream Documents

Supercharge Your Printed Materials

Technology is a wonderful thing, particularly if you are interested in marketing your business (as we all are!) The process called xStream enables you to take any printed material you already have created and transform it into a digital resource. Now you are free to deploy these assets across all of your marketing channels.

After converting your printed documents into the pdf format, xStream can convert it all into a (for example) colorful, interactive digital magazine. Then add a branded welcome screen to really grab and hold your audience. Virtually anything can be incorporated into xStream - articles, flip books, images, forms, videos, RSS feeds, Twitter feeds - you name it. Simply put, this is the easiest and most effective way to present a collection of various content types in an engaging digital experience.

Click above to see it in action!
Wright’s Printing & Marketing uses xStreamDocs to convert PDF’s and flash pages into digital magazines.